Sunday, June 21, 2020

ace certification asa

ACE tests you on the consolidated knowledge of anesthesia and reviews many aspects of the specialty. Get access to 100 multiple choice questions (200 per annual subscription) with the corresponding discussions by obtaining up to 30 CME credits - 60 ECC credits per annual subscription. After successfully completing the course, you will be able to identify and fill knowledge gaps by using the resources provided as references within the program.

Update your knowledge of the fundamentals of anesthesiology as you discover answers to questions such as:

What are the symptoms of serotonin syndrome after an overdose of tramadol?
What are the causes of intraoperative polyuria?
Which medications could increase the risk of seizures in a patient taking tramadol?

Sunday, June 14, 2020

computer support technician support and description?

Job description
The computer service technician makes sure that a company's IT equipment is configured according to established guidelines. It manages all terminals and peripherals, including printers, modems, personal computers and data communication machines. Responsible for identifying and ascertaining the nature of network errors using appropriate software, the computer support technician is responsible for troubleshooting. Along with these tasks, he or she repairs and replaces equipment when it is idle. The position often requires the individual to have the authority to repair equipment malfunctions and provide the necessary technical support. The job also plans to keep all consumables on hand and available. In some cases, the IT support technician verifies compliance with the end-user corporate policy on network use.

Position requirements
This position requires at least a high school diploma, but a university degree is often required. Excellent computer skills are needed, as well as the ability to solve and solve problems. Customer service experience is usually required. The IT support technician should have strong communication skills and be able to converse and support those employees who are not technologically competent.

The position also requires knowledge of basic hardware and software functions and networks. If the IT technician works in a call center, he should be able to type quickly and have the writing skills to correctly insert the data into the job ticket. Organizational skills are essential.

Familiarity with Macintosh and personal computers is also a requirement. The computer support technician must be motivated with a mind in tune with the details. People who want to become IT support technicians must be willing to take responsibility and be reliable. Knowledge of the different versions of Microsoft, from Vista to Windows 10, is also essential.

Friday, June 5, 2020

computer technician job description

Computer repair technicians adopt computer hardware and software malfunctions and take the necessary steps to diagnose and ensure that systems are returned to a usable state. Technicians also build and assemble personal computers and servers and can configure local computer networks and other related devices.

Computer repair technicians are primarily concerned with the hardware of a computer, but are sometimes called upon to install or replace drives, memory and cards. A computer repair technician may be required to create a system from the components and load the operating system software onto the hard drive. The technician will then identify and install the necessary programs, called drivers, which allow the operating system software to work with the hardware.

A computer repair technician will also work with the computer software. Usually this is the operating system software. Computers can get viruses or other malware infections and the technician may be called upon to remove offensive programs.

If the operating system software does not work and cannot be repaired, the technician usually backs up user data, if possible, and formats the hard drive with a fresh copy of the operating system.

Monday, June 1, 2020

computer technician responsibilities?

We are looking for a qualified Computer Technician to install, maintain and repair computers and networks. You must ensure that an appropriate IT infrastructure is in place and that it is used to the highest standard.

As a computer technician you need to be well trained in computer systems and network functions. The ideal candidate will be able to work diligently and correctly and have the ability to solve problems to resolve issues and ensure actionability.

The goal of installing and maintaining quality computer networks and systems.

computer support technician definition

Do you need a computer-assisted professional education? It is recommended to get a degree from a computer support professional if you want t...